• Don’t bite off more than you can chew.
  • You can’t swallow what you can’t chew.
  • Chew thrice so you’ll only have to swallow once.
  • Don’t chew all the meat off the bones, leave some for the dogs.
  • If you’re a light eater, don’t split the check evenly with the rest of your voracious friends.
  • If it’s getting together with friends you want, some pizzas in a park will do just fine.
Some things change; others remain forever the same.


LIFE is fickle, changeable, uneven. 

LIFE is mostly a struggle uphill.

LIFE is a flip of a coin, a turn of a card, a toss of the dice. 

LIFE is brutal and cruel.

LIFE is a miracle.

LIFE is a profound mystery.

LIFE is callous and indifferent to your suffering.

LIFE is unbelievably complex.

LIFE can be beautiful but also ugly.

LIFE is something we all try to hang on to for as long as we possibly can.

LIFE brings both joy and sadness, elation and suffering.

LIFE, as far as we know, only exists on this tiny blue dot we call home. 

LIFE has a built-in drive to survive and propagate.

LIFE waits for no one.

LIFE – you can try and bend it to your will, but sooner or later (thousands or tens of thousands of years even) it will revert to its primeval state and continue on its merry way. 

LIFE is definitely worth living…with love, compassion, and a sense of wonder.

A Quakr Nova spotted by people who dedicate their life to looking for and studying these sorts of things.

John 1

King James Version

1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.*

*In the beginning, before there was ANYTHING, there was NOTHING in the ENTIRE SPACE/TIME VOID…EXCEPT, that is, the WORD, also known as GOD.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.*

*What you’re saying is what you just said.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.*

*Sounds like my own redundantly repetitious style of writing.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

*So if there was nothing but the WORD, where were the men?

5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.*

*So the DARKNESS was profoundly perplexed as to why, suddenly, out of NOWHERE, there appeared THE LIGHT which consisted of shiny man.

Am I missing something here or does this all sound a bit contrived?

What we have here is a rendition of GOD, also known as THE WORD, bringing forth LIGHT from his own being to illuminate the dark nothingness that was. (Courtesy of CFE)

🤔 (I wonder how Joseph and Mary spent the gold gifted to them by one of the three Magi, and how much it actually amounted to. I’m guessing it was a pretty fair amount too! The Bible makes no mention of that, as far as I know.)


A common expression in English which few people use in these #times, and fewer still understand the meaning of.

Here’s a frinstance.

You can try and convince me that extraterrestrial beings are NOT living incognito among us until the cows come home, but I’m so stuck on the notion that you’ll not budge me a single itsy-bitsy inch. In other words, all your arguments will have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on my bull-headed conviction, no matter how many hours you spend trying.

Tomorrow’s rare verb:

He SUCCUSSED the cow rustler by his neck until he (the victim) gasped for mercy.

They look like perfectly ordinary humans, right? But their blood is a purplish-orangy color and they have TWO hearts. Also, they are vegan.


Each year, like clockwork, the cost of living goes up a certain percent, as does the minimum wage. Why, I wonder, not leave the prices of goods as they are so that there won’t be any need to raise the salaries in order to adjust for inflation?

I looked up the cause of inflation and this is what it says: “More jobs and higher wages increase household incomes and lead to a rise in consumer spending, further increasing aggregate demand and the scope for firms to increase the prices of their goods and services. When this happens across a large number of businesses and sectors, this leads to an increase in inflation.”

In simpler terms, the more jobs there are, the more money is in circulation, thus creating a higher demand in goods and services, which in turn leads to an increase in their price.

Makes no sense whatsoever to me.

Hopefully one of you smarter readers has an easy explanation for inflation that doesn’t sound so dumb?

What is the PRICE OF HAPPINESS? A ride on this colorful boat swing costs 20 Mexican pesos. A ride in your own brand new red Ferrari, considerably more.


– Don’t settle for pennies when you can have pounds. 

– Beware of smiling strangers with bad breath.

– Don’t plunge head-first into the raging waters of FATE if you don’t even know how to doggy-paddle.

– FIRST know ENTIRELY the ins and outs of thy single bonny person that thou ist. Then, and ONLY then, canst thou verily BE thy true self. (Loosely translated from the ancient Gaelic language spoken mainly in the highlands and islands of western Scotland.) 

– A NOBLE death is no consolation to your rotting corpse.

Any others you would care to share?


For as long as I can remember there’s been a man and his wife down at the corner selling tamales and atole. Early every morning he sets up his large can of steaming hot tamales and his canisters of diferent-flavored atoles, a foldable table, and proceeds to sell like crazy. Usually by 10 AM he’s sold the lot. He then packs his stuff into his little truck and he’s off.

Evidently it’s a thriving business, with a minimum investment, very little overhead, no rent to worry about, and no hassles with Hacienda.

The same thing can be said about the lady who takes over the tamalero’s spot once he leaves and sets up HER stand of tacos de canasta, which also does very well.

PS. Bit of a mix-up with the he and the they. Ignore it. It’s a husband-wife team.


Let’s try and make them count for something.

Knit a sweater. Switch to a healthier diet. Put your house in order. Carry a TASER gun with you at all times, especially when you wander through Central Park at night. Give generously to the old and infirm who depend on handouts because they can no longer work for a living. Smile when you see a camera pointed at you. Read War and Peace. Don’t go hunting for pots of gold at the end of rainbows – they always come with strings attached! Pay your bills on time. Spend more time INTERFACING with real live people and less with the computer. Pet your pets more often. Think happy thoughts. Eschew the Dark Side: spit in its…eye? Know that you are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the – wait, that line’s already been taken. Sorry. Listen to sentimental love ballads if you must, but don’t believe for a moment that any of it is actually real. Do NOT covet thy neighbor’s wife. Brush your teeth after ever meal, or before a tryst d’amour. Be on time. Keep your promises. Don’t procrastinate. Talk sparingly or you’ll end up being a bore. Excercise your mind as well as your body. Humbly accept criticism from your betters.

Let’s hope we all make it to the end of the year in one piece!

PS. Oh, and one more thing. Always try and get your facts straight. This is a Leap Year so there are actually 365 days left.


It’s exceptionally quiet outside at this hour, I’ll give you that much. Otherwise, I feel much the same as I did yesterday. What I mean to say is that a new year is not synonymous with a new me. An older me, yes, but a revised and better version of me, well I’d say that’s stretching it a bit too much.

What’s that wise saying from AA? Ah, yes. “It works if you work it.” 

No magic. No miracles. No false expectations. A positive attitude, strong family ties, good friends, and simple, honest work should be enough to keep you going from day to day. 

May this new life cycle turn out to be the best for you so far.